AMAKS Krasnaya Pakhra Moscow region
En Ру

Rehabilitation of pregnant women

The resort "Krasnaya Pakhra" carries out rehabilitation of pregnant women who have mild anemia, miscarriage, infertility, syndrome of intrauterine delay development of the fetus in anamnesis. Also accepts aged primiparas under the age of 18 years ("young" primipara), aged primiparas older than 28 years ("elderly" primipara), the presence of concomitant somatic pathology beyond the acute stage.

For women suffering from diseases of the reproductive system, the resort of Krasnaya Pakhra created a special environment. In addition to the therapeutic procedures and medication, women can communicate freely with each other and share experiences. Mutual support allows you to not think about the bad and concentrate on the treatment. The meaning of rehabilitation is also a skilled psychological assistance. The desire to become a mother must be in the first place.

Therefore, all fears and doubts must disappear from the head. For this, doctors work with patients individually and provide training.

Treatment Results

The work of specialists and communion with nature help the woman to relax and gain strength. If this young mother to 18 years, after the completion of the programs she will learn to care for their child, not afraid of difficulties and to evaluate public opinion. Women, suffering from infertility, will get another chance to become mothers. Almost all of our patients feel in the role of parents the following year after staying in the red Pakhra.

The consequences of not treating

Without rehabilitation in a sanatorium for young women happens difficult to get used to the role of mother. For all other importantly, how much improved their General condition and status of the "female system".
Rehabilitation of women during and after pregnancy specific nature. It is important to pay attention to the physical and psychological health at the same time.
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