Address: 108828, Россия, Москва, поселение Краснопахорское, Красное, ул. Парковая, 10, 1
Telephone: +7 (495) 021-96-94
GPS coordinates:
Width: 55°25'42.51" (55.428475)
Longitude: 37°17'40.47" (37.294576)
- 14:00 Krasnaya Pakhra resort - stop "45 kilometer" Parking in front of the Auto Parts store. Every day except Sunday.
- 17:00 Stop "45 kilometer".Parking in front of the Auto Parts store - Krasnaya Pakhra resort. Every day except Sunday.
From the metro station "Teply Stan" (Kaluga-Riga line):
buses No. 503, 512, 531, 887 to the stop "Krasnaya Pakhra (45 kilometer)" travel time is 40-45 minutes. Then on the free transfer of the Krasnaya Pakhra resort.
From Vnukovo Airport:
- bus No. 526 to the stop "Vatutinki (Troitsk City)", then bus No. 1024 to the stop "selo Krasnoe". Then 15 minutes on foot.
- bus No. 526 to the stop "Vatutinki-2", then buses № 503, 508, 512, 514, 515, 531, 887 to the stop "Krasnaya Pakhra (45 km)", then on the free transfer of the resort "Krasnaya Pakhra".
From Podolsk station:
buses No. 1024 and No. 1032 to the stop "Red" travel time is 50 minutes. Then 15 minutes on foot.
From the metro station "Olkhovaya" (Sokolnicheskaya line):
buses № 303, 503, 508, 514, 515, 887 to the stop "Krasnaya Pakhra (45 kilometer)" the journey time is 30-35 minutes. Then on the free transfer of the Krasnaya Pakhra resort.
Единый колл-центр курортов:
Телефон: 8 (800) 101-04-41
Режим работы: Ежедневно с 09:00 до 21:00 (время московское)
Отдел кадров:
Телефон: +79055238020
Режим работы: Понедельник-пятница с 09:00 до 18:00
ОГРН 1137746190119
Свид-во о государственной регистрации юридического лица
77 №015324777 от 05.03.2013, выдано межрайонной инспекцией ФНС №46 по г. Москве
Реквизиты ИП Перминов
Реквизиты ООО "Курорт Красная Пахра"
Реквизиты ООО "РесторанПахра"