AMAKS "Krasnaya Pakhra" Moscow
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Innovative magnetic therapy at the Krasnaya Pakhra resort

 Dear guests, we are in a hurry to inform you that we are constantly expanding the medical capabilities of our resort and now we have a unique BTL 6000 magnetic therapy device

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The BTL 6000 device creates a magnetic field with a frequency of up to 150 Hz. This is a patented and already proven procedure in the USA and Western countries, which today has found application in medicine, rehabilitation and sports. High-intensity magnetic therapy helps to relieve pain, improves joint mobility, stimulates the healing of bone fractures, causes muscle contractions and muscle relaxation.

During the procedure, repeated contractions of muscle fibers occur, which:

  • they give joint mobilization;
  • promote the healing of fractures, myostimulation;
  • they have an effect on different levels of the human body (submolecular, molecular, cellular);
  • they act on the vascular network (dilate blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity and prevent thrombosis);
  • improve metabolic processes in cells and tissues;
  • relieve muscle spasm and pain syndrome;
  • improve blood microcirculation.

Effective myostimulation. The effect of an electromagnetic field on the neuromuscular apparatus leads to depolarization of cell membranes and muscle contraction. Depending on the selected frequency of stimulation, relaxation or muscle strengthening can be achieved.

An increase in joint mobility is achieved due to repeated contractions of the muscles surrounding the joint. This repetitive contraction replaces the manual development of the joints, which leads to the restoration of joint mobility.

Healing of bone fractures. A high-intensity electromagnetic field improves blood circulation in the affected area and promotes the strengthening of blood vessels and cartilage, which subsequently causes the acceleration of mineralization of cartilage and the restoration of bone tissue.

Reduction of spasticity. An increase in muscle tone is achieved by affecting the spinal mechanism of muscle tone regulation. This mechanism is indicated for the treatment of motor disorders of the central nervous system, which include spasticity.

There are contraindications, a specialist's consultation is required.

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