AMAKS "Krasnaya Pakhra" Moscow
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Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease) in Krasnaya Pakhra sanatorium

For the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis, medication is used (anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones, medications that reduce muscle tension, improve blood circulation). An effective method of therapy is considered to be spa treatment, which provides a set of necessary procedures.

Sanatorium programs involve physiotherapy procedures (ultrasound, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, acupuncture), the use of hydrogen sulfide and radon baths, mud applications. No less effective method of combating Bekhterev's disease is physical therapy, swimming, skiing. In addition to all the above methods, a special nutrition program is compiled for those staying in the sanatorium, which also contributes to recovery.

Treatment results

Treatment in the Red Pakhra will help eliminate muscle spasms and improve physical activity. Thanks to the procedures, the inflammatory process in the spine can be eliminated. In addition, against the general background, there is a restoration of immunity and an improvement in the functioning of the respiratory system.

Consequences of lack of treatment

The lack of timely treatment leads to ankylosis. The joints of the spine are fused together. The heart is affected, kidney failure and lung disease develop.
Анкилозирующий спондилоартрит (болезнь Бехтерева) - воспаление межпозвонковых суставов, которое приводит к их сокращению, в результате чего ограничиваются движения. Причины болезни Бехретерева до сих пор не удалось точно установить, но считается, что чаще всего наследственная предрасположенность играет большую роль в появлении данного заболевания.
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