AMAKS "Krasnaya Pakhra" Moscow
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Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome (mild Astheno-neurotic syndrome) in Krasnaya Pakhra sanatorium

Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome involves both medication and non-medication methods. Drug therapy is based on the use of immunomodulators, vitamin complexes, as well as the use of other means (depending on the suspected cause of the syndrome). It is also effective to visit sanatorium-resort institutions offering complexes of necessary procedures.

One of the main methods of non-drug treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome in the Krasnaya Pakhra sanatorium is the normalization of rest and physical activity, as well as sleep and rest. To do this, the sanatorium offers special daily routines, including nutrition on a balanced diet, walking in the fresh air, physical therapy classes. Physiotherapy (aromatherapy baths, mineral water treatment) and massages also have an effective effect on the recovery process.

Treatment results

Staying in the sanatorium Krasnaya Pakhra will help to restore fatigue and return a person to a normal rhythm of life. Rest will begin to bring the long-awaited cheerfulness. Normalization of the daily routine and correction of the diet is the key to success in this case.

Consequences of lack of treatment

The consequences of the disease affect the adaptation of a person in society. It is difficult for the patient to find contact with people, because he gets tired not only from physical work, but also from banal communication. It takes away a lot of his strength, which, in the end, can lead to depression and restrictions in his lifestyle
Синдром хронической усталости - это состояние, характеризующееся длительной усталостью, которая не проходит даже после полноценного отдыха. Причины недуга до конца не изучены, но считается, что чаще всего факторами, влияющими на появление синдрома, становятся психические и физические нагрузки, пищевая аллергия, вирусные инфекции, нарушение обмена веществ.
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