AMAKS "Krasnaya Pakhra" Moscow
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Treatment of neuroses and neurosis-like conditions in the sanatorium Krasnaya Pakhra

Treatment of such conditions requires an integrated approach. It is necessary to engage in moderate physical activity, to be outdoors more often, to normalize sleep and meals. In some cases, it is recommended to take sedatives, vitamin complexes. Also, the main method of combating neuroses is psychotherapy.

Sanatorium-resort treatment of neuroses and asthenic conditions in the Krasnaya Pakhra sanatorium has a beneficial effect on the recovery process for a number of reasons. Firstly, sometimes a person needs a change of scenery to improve his mental state, many residents of the metropolis need to go out of town to get a full rest. In addition, sanatorium programs offer work with a psychotherapist and a complex of healing and restorative procedures: outdoor walks, massages, physical therapy, aromatic baths. In addition to everything, a balanced, fortified diet is offered to those staying at the sanatorium.

It is the sanatorium stay that helps patients with disorders in the nervous system to come to a normal state.

Treatment results

The atmosphere of the sanatorium and regular meetings with a psychotherapist restore the mental state of patients very quickly. Communication with new people and detachment from the usual life make it possible to relax and get a boost of energy.

Consequences of lack of treatment

The absence of the necessary therapy will lead to violations of social and labor activity. Depression is also possible – an extreme degree of emotional instability.
Невроз – это заболевание нервной системы, вызванное сильным испугом, страхом, стрессом, характеризующееся повышенной утомляемостью, слабостью, плохим самочувствием.
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