AMAKS "Krasnaya Pakhra" Moscow
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Treatment of vertebrogenic pathology (neurotic and other orthopedic, visceral manifestations of dorsopathy) in the sanatorium Krasnaya Pakhra

Sanatorium-resort treatment of vertebrogenic pathology consists in the application of a set of procedures.

The main ones are taking baths with bischofite solution, amplipulse, phonophoresis, magnetic therapy, mud therapy, massage, physical therapy classes.

Additional procedures are: swimming pool visits, Charcot showers, Vichy and circular, acupuncture, etc.

Any diseases need to be treated correctly! Treatment in the sanatorium will leave positive emotions and improve your well-being.


  • Diseases of the nervous system of infectious, vascular, traumatic, demyelinating nature in acute, as well as in any period of the disease, accompanied by severe disorders in the motor sphere, preventing independent movement and significant disorders of the pelvic organs.
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  • Syringomyelia and syringomyelic syndromes with pronounced motor, sensory and trophic disorders.
  • Parkinson's disease; multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases of the nervous system in the progressive course of the disease, with motor disorders that prevent independent movement and self-care, with pelvic disorders and dementia.

Treatment results

- learn to feel your body,
- you will be able to understand him and react correctly to the pain, which will become much less.
- muscle tone will be restored, which will help to cope with the disease.

Consequences of lack of treatment

If you allow the disease to take over your life completely, then expect trouble soon. Hypotrophy of muscles, the tone of which is understated, a decrease in tendon reflexes. After a serious start of the disease, irreparable degenerative changes occur, after which it will become very difficult to restore a healthy state. And you may even need surgery.
Дорсопатии – это группа дегенеративно-дистрофических заболеваний позвоночника и околопозвоночных тканей. В их основе лежит нарушение питания позвонков и тканей, окружающих позвоночник (связки, межпозвонковые диски), и превышение лимита нагрузок на позвоночник (“перегрузка” позвоночника). Является широко распространенным заболеванием, чаще развивается у людей старше 35-40 лет.
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