AMAKS "Krasnaya Pakhra" Moscow
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Treatment of bronchiectatic disease in the stage of relative remission, without the release of copious purulent sputum and hemoptysis

Bronchiectatic disease is a chronic inflammatory disease accompanied by bronchial dilatation. Most often, the cause of the disease is a genetic predisposition, cough, pneumonia, or exposure to the bronchi from the outside (blockage by a foreign body or compression by lymph nodes).

Treatment of bronchiectatic disease is mainly carried out with the help of medications. Anti-inflammatory, sputum-thinning drugs and antibiotics are prescribed. The method of mechanical cleaning of the bronchi from sputum using a special device is also used. Rehabilitation after an acute period of bronchiectatic disease is also important. It is recommended to conduct it in sanatorium-resort institutions.

Spa facilities offer special physiotherapy procedures to combat the disease, such as vibration massage, inhalation, galvanization. Breathing exercises and taking air baths are also the most effective. Thanks to proper nutrition, daily routine, walks in the fresh air, staying in the sanatorium allows you to restore the body after an exacerbation, and physiotherapy procedures allow you to prolong the period of remission (the period of improvement of the condition).


  • All diseases in the acute stage, chronic diseases in the acute stage and complicated by acute processes
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • All diseases and conditions requiring inpatient treatment.
  • Frequent and abundant episodes of hemoptysis, intoxication syndrome, asthenia, effusion into the pleural cavity, pneumothorax.
  • All forms of tuberculosis are in the active stage.
  • Respiratory failure is above grade II.
  • Bronchial asthma of severe and moderate severity, uncontrolled by adequate basic therapy.

Treatment results

Positive dynamics of the patient's well-being, reduction of sweating, weakness. Reduction of cough, amount of sputum, shortness of breath. Clinical, laboratory and radiological signs of remission of the inflammatory process in the lungs. Absence of exacerbation of the disease for 6 months.

Consequences of lack of treatment

The increase in cough, the amount of sputum of a purulent nature. Deterioration of general well-being. The appearance of weakness. Sweating, increased body temperature. An increase in the number of dry and different-sized wheezes in the lungs. Radiological and laboratory signs of the activity of the inflammatory process in the lungs. The increase in cardiopulmonary insufficiency.
Бронхоэктатическая болезнь — характеризуется хроническим нагноительным процессом в необратимо измененных, расширенных. Деформированных и функционально неполноценных бронхах преимущественно нижних отделов легких.
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