AMAKS "Krasnaya Pakhra" Moscow
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Treatment of chronic bronchitis in the sanatorium Krasnaya Pakhra

During the exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, it is necessary to carry out a complex of medical procedures. First of all, this is medical treatment: in addition to drugs that fight the disease, it is also necessary to take vitamin complexes to maintain the health of the body. As a prevention of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, it is necessary to follow a full diet, normalize the sleep and wakefulness schedule, and avoid hypothermia. Physiotherapy is also an effective method of treatment.

Sanatorium institutions offer special physiological procedures developed taking into account the characteristics of the disease. Electrophoresis, inhalation, ultrasound and paraffin applications are considered to be one of the most effective methods of combating chronic bronchitis. In addition, special breathing exercises and vibration massage help to cope with the disease even faster.


  • All diseases in the acute stage, chronic diseases in the acute stage and complicated by acute processes
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • All diseases and conditions requiring inpatient treatment.
  • Frequent and abundant episodes of hemoptysis, intoxication syndrome, asthenia, effusion into the pleural cavity, pneumothorax.
  • All forms of tuberculosis are in the active stage.
  • Respiratory failure is above grade II.
  • Bronchial asthma of severe and moderate severity, uncontrolled by adequate basic therapy.

Treatment results

Drug treatment and procedures included in the program relieve the inflammatory process in the lungs. In this regard, breathing is restored and the patient returns to his usual rhythm of life.

Consequences of lack of treatment

Prolonged bronchitis leads to such consequences as pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary hypertension, cardiopulmonary insufficiency.
Хронический бронхит – хронический воспалительный процесс в бронхах, который ведет к изменению тканей, сужению бронхов и затруднению дыхания. Наиболее распространенными причинами хронического бронхита являются длительное вдыхание табачного дыма, выхлопных газов, пыли токсических примесей, патологии органов дыхания, часто повторяющиеся инфекционные заболевания, ослабленный иммунитет, а также генетическая предрасположенность.
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