AMAKS "Krasnaya Pakhra" Moscow
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En Ру

Treatment of tracheobronchial dyskenesia in the sanatorium "Krasnaya Pakhra"

Spa treatment involves the impact on a complex of external acquired factors that contribute to the formation of weakness and prolapse of the membranous part of the trachea and bronchi.

Methods of treatment of tracheobronchial dyskenesia are: reflexotherapy, respiratory muscle training, electrophoresis on the trachea and other procedures.


  • All diseases in the acute stage, chronic diseases in the acute stage and complicated by acute processes
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • All diseases and conditions requiring inpatient treatment.
  • Frequent and abundant episodes of hemoptysis, intoxication syndrome, asthenia, effusion into the pleural cavity, pneumothorax.
  • All forms of tuberculosis are in the active stage.
  • Respiratory failure is above grade II.
  • Bronchial asthma of severe and moderate severity, uncontrolled by adequate basic therapy.

Treatment results

Treatment in the sanatorium will significantly improve the patient's condition. It is possible to restore the lumen of the trachea (partially or completely), thereby making the breathing process easier.

Consequences of lack of treatment

Tracheobronchial dyskinesia may contribute to the development of more serious lung diseases
Трахеобронхиальная дискинезия - это сужение просвета трахеи и крупных бронхов. Причиной этого состояния чаще всего бывают инфекционные заболевания или эмфизема легких.
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